
How much pain is enough?

Patients who visit West London Physiotherapy are in or regularly experience pain resulting from an…

A Guide to staying injury free this month.

Free Advice: A Guide to staying injury free this month. When it comes to achieving…

Why we do what we do

People often ask what motivates us to help patients recover from pain or injury or…

Physio and the importance of effort

We have a false picture of how success happens. We see the results but rarely…

"Two woodcutters – Ben and Pat - were competing to cut down the most trees.…

Why runners get injured

“Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.” - Seneca Cliff Young was a…

Couch to 5km program

The famous Japanese novelist Haruka Murakami started running in the early 1980s. He was 33…

The Importance of Walking

In 1976 George Meegan retired from the Merchant Navy and went for a walk. He…