Knee Research update – Feb 2013

Knee Research update – Feb 2013

  • In the presence of Patellofemoral Pain (PFP), the femur internally rotates against the patella
  • Excessive hip adduction and knee internal rotation are associated with ITB syndrome
  • Hip strengthening in addition to knee exercises results in greater reductions in pain in PFPS

Competitive Female Athletes With a History of Iliotibial Band Syndrome Demonstrate Atypical Hip and Knee Kinematics

Ferber et. al. J Orthop & Sports Phys Ther 40(2)2010

The running biomechanics of thirty-five female runners with a history of ITB syndrome were recorded and compared to thirty-five aged-matched and running-distance matched healthy female runners. Kinematic data was recorded during the stance phase of running gait.

Results indicated those with a history of ITB syndrome demonstrated significantly greater peak knee internal rotation angles and peak hip adduction angles compared to age matched controls.

West London Physiotherapy : “There is a significant relationship between ITB syndrome (runners knee) and the poor biomechanics of the hip and knee”

Short-Terms Effects of Hip Abductors and Lateral Rotators Strengthening in Females With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

T.Y. Fuluda et. al. J Orthop & Sports Phys Ther 40(11)2010

Randomised controlled trial: 70  females with PFPS were randomly assigned to one of three groups; knee exercise group receiving conservative management targeting the knee musculature, knee and hip exercise group who as well as completing the exercises in the knee exercise group, also completed hip abduction and hip extension exercises, and lastly the control group who did not receive any treatment.

Both the knee exercise and knee and hip exercise group demonstrated significant improvements in pain and function. Though strengthening hip abductors and hip lateral rotators in additional to the strengthening of the knee musculature resulted in greater reductions in pain and improvements in function in comparison to knee exercise alone.

West London Physiotherapy : “Hip and pelvic musculature strengthening has an important role in the treatment of patellofemoral pain.”

Femur Rotation and Patellofemoral Joint Kinematics: A Weight-Bearing Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis

C.E. Draper et. al. J Orthop & Sports Phys Ther 40(5)2010

This study compared movement of the patella and the femur during a closed chain activity between individuals with patellofemoral pain  (PFP) and those who were asymptomatic.

A dynamic magnetic resonance imaging system recorded femur and patella rotation, lateral patella tilt, lateral patella displacement at 45, 30knee flexion whilst performing a single leg squat.

Results reported significantly greatly lateral patella tilt and lateral patella displacement in those with PFP. Furthermore, measured femoral internal rotation in symptomatic participants was more than double of that measured in those who were asymptomatic.

West London Physiotherapy – “Emphasis on control of the Femur is important in the treatment of patellofemoral pain.”

At West London Physiotherapy in Kensington, W8, London, we are leaders in the treatment of knee pain and injury