In 2007 I founded West London Physiotherapy, with the goal of being one of the leading physiotherapy practices in the UK. Over the past eight years we have worked hard to achieve that goal and from the feedback we have received from our patients and referring doctors, it seems we’re on the right track.
So far, we’ve been reaching you through word of mouth. The quality of our service has sent a steady stream of referrals from doctors, surgeons, friends and relatives to our door. But that’s also meant there’s a vast number of people out there who we could help but simply don’t know we exist.
That’s why I launched our new site. I want to make our virtual presence as strong as our physical. As you can see from our review page – over which we have no editorial power – you’ve been happy to help us spread the good word.
This blog is the next step. It lets us invite you into conversations my colleagues and I have with our patients every day, whether it’s lifestyle tips to help you stay active, insight into practice life or some personal stories from our patients. I want it go grow into a valuable resource for our current patients as well as those finding us for the first time.
You’ll be getting four posts a month from myself or one of my colleagues, and like everything we do it will improve with your feedback. If you have any suggestions for future content, feel free to let me know at
So for this first post, let’s start with an introduction.
My journey to physiotherapy started with basketball. In my final year of secondary school I was playing daily and – like many teenagers – I felt invincible until I overdid my training and injured my back. In a single moment I was knocked out of my favourite sport for two years of frustratingly slow rehabilitation.
This made me keen to understand how the body worked and how to fix it when it didn’t, so I enrolled at LaTrobe University and studied a Bachelor of Physiotherapy for four years.
Australia’s physiotherapy training is highly regarded, and it was one of the few programs teaching students to painstakingly dissect cadavers until we literally knew the human body inside out. Morbid as it may be, there’s no replacing this truly physical understanding of how we all work.
After various stints across Australia and the UK – including a year with the Oxford rowing team – I decided to make a permanent move to London in 2004 and soon after sought to set up a world class physiotherapy practice.
What was clear to me was that there was a gaping hole in the market for the high quality physiotherapy that was standard in Australia. While nowadays I can point to a handful other clinics that operate at our level, back then the field was dismal.
Since then, West London Physiotherapy has been built around the comfort and convenience of our patients. If you’re suffering from injury or pain, our world class physiotherapy and rehabilitation is just part of making you feel cared for: are you greeted warmly at reception? Do your appointments run on time? Are the rooms clean, well decorated and the right temperature? Are you fully informed and guided through your recovery?
It doesn’t matter how well trained we are, if the overall patient experience isn’t excellent, patients won’t want to come back, and they won’t recover.
Open dialogue is essential to knowing what you’re doing well and what you can improve. This site and particularly this blog is our way of opening up that dialogue further than ever and I look forward to talking to you more and offering our insight in the coming months.
Keep moving,
Cameron Tudor
Clinical Director, West London Physiotherapy